Duta Anugrah

Chair Cover Suppliers and Chair Cover Manufacturers in Indonesia.

Banyak Manfaat Menggunakan Sarung Kursi


Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan tampilan keseluruhan ruang pesta dan untuk memanjakan tamu dalam acara pesta VIP yang sesungguhnya adalah dengan menciptakan suasana dekorasi sempurna yang menonjolkan satu sisi, salah satunya adalah Sarung Kursi.


Penutup kursi akan menyamarkan kursi yang lama dan banyak noda terlihat bagus, tidak perlu banyak biaya untuk membeli kursi baru dan mahal.  Tutupi kursi-kursi suram itu dan berikan kursi lama Anda tampilan yang segar dan glamor.  Dengan sarung kursi murah namun tahan lama yang ditawarkan di dutaanugrah.com, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengubah kursi polos Anda menjadi mewah yang cantik “a beautiful royal chair”.

Beberapa alasan bagus untuk menggunakan sarung kursi dan apa peran Sarung Kursi dalam mengubah pengaturan yang tadinya menjemukan menjadi luar biasa.

1. Melindungi dan pelapis dari tumpahan atau noda.
Jika kursi baru dan mahal akan kehilangan kilau anggunnya, atau kursi mahal rusak dari kemungkinan tumpahan noda, cukup balut dengan sarung kursi. Dengan sarung yang melindungi kursi, Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang tumpahan dan tetesan yang tidak sengaja, atau bekas kotor yang dibuat oleh anak-anak di pesta ulang tahun atau acara lainnya.

2. Menutupi kursi yang busanya kempes – susut atau tidak menarik.
Sarung Kursi cenderung tidak hanya memberikan tirai yang layak untuk kursi usang, tetapi juga membantu menutupi kerusakan yang ada pada bagian yang rentan, seperti kotoran bercak noda dan busa dudukan dan sandaran yang sudah mulai susut atau kempes. Sarung Kursi Pesta memainkan peran penting dalam memberikan tampilan baru yang segar pada kursi yang terlihat usang.

3. Mudah Dicuci dan Perawatan!
Sebagian besar penutup kursi bisa dan dapat dicuci dengan mesin, sehingga mudah dirawat.
Mengikuti petunjuk pencucian dan cara perawatan yang benar, Anda dapat memiliki sarung kursi ini seperti baru sepanjang tahun. Mengapa mencari persewaan sarung kursi mahal atau sarung kursi perjamuan baru dan sarung kursi lipat untuk kursi Anda setiap saat?!
Cukup cuci selimut dan gunakan sarung kursi ini secara teratur dengan pesona segar dan keanggunan segar yang sama.

4. Banyak Pilihan Warna dan Pola
Sarung kursi stretch atau presbody dan sarung kursi rempel bisa menggunakan bahan spandex lycra dan bahan kaos atau lotto. Duta Anugrah memahami bahwa di setiap acara pasti membutuhkan tema khusus dan warna yang akan mencerminkan kemeriahan serta makna perayaan tersebut.  Untuk warna bahan spandex lycra bisa cek di contoh warnah bahan Spandex Lycra.

Kami berharap alasan utama dan manfaat yang tidak dapat disangkal dari menutupi kursi polos tersebut telah meyakinkan  Anda untuk membeli sarung kursi bergaya modern dan murah. Rencanakan pesta dan atur acara yang belum pernah  ada sebelumnya! Berikan kursi-kursi suram itu perubahan yang menggiurkan, ubah dari yang tidak nyaman dan tidak sedap dipandang, menjadi singgasana yang nyaman dan ramah di mana tamu Anda.

Table Skirting Clips

It’s actually really easy to ensure that your table skirting is just right, and will stay on no matter what elements you are facing. Durable table skirting clips with velcro hooks are popular with event planners and they can be used during occasions such as weddings, parties, picnics, meetings, etc.

We know the needs of hospitality professionals, and we know how important it is to have everything you need to be prepared for your event. Table skirting clips are the easiest way to make your table skirting setup a breeze, they are easy to place and remove once you are finished.

Buffet table skirting clips , easy to install – Flexible to accommodate different table thicknesses between 1″ to 1 1/4″ (2.5 cm to 3 cm). Material: Plastic.  Duta Anugrah suggest you use 1 clip per 10-12 inches of skirting around the table. For example, a 13 foot table skirt would require 13-14 clips.

Clips for banquet table skirting, commercial grade and excellent grip retention, great for wedding, party, picnic, patio, banquet and other outdoor / indoor activities.




Decorate your table with our selection of napkins and napkin rings. Our cotton linen napkins are a versatile essential. Available in a variety of hues,they add a burst of color, frames or a neutral background.

Napkins are a simple way to transform a table from the everyday to the special occasion and used during mealtime, create the perfect atmosphere at your event.

Our cotton linen napkins are a versatile essential. Available in a variety of hues,they add a burst of color, frames or a neutral background. Durable and easily washable, these soft, natural linens are a fine way to set the table.

Linen Napkins


Cotton Napkins

Spandex Lycra Chair Covers

Spandex Lycra Chair Covers, Create an elegance atmosphere that will remembered for years. They cover the entire chair, so you can’t see the legs of the chair and Includes elasticated reinforced foot pockets.

The spandex chair covers are mostly used for banquet chairs in restaurants, hotels, banquets, parties, weddings, etc.

How to Care: Hand wash, dry cleaners only. Do not bleach
Click to see Spandex Lycra fabric color

At Duta Anugrah, we offer many different types of chair covers which are suitable for wedding, banquet, party, meeting, ceremony or other occasions.  All sorts of size and colors available.

Click to Price List

spandex seat coverlycra chair coverspandex chair coverssashes spandex elasticated reinforcedelasticated reinforced foot



Spandex Lycra Chair Sash Bands

Spandex is a very stretchy material, which will return to its original form when no longer being stretched. Fabric has about a 66% stretch ability.

Spandex band, lycra band, spandex sash, lycra chair sash,metallic spandex band, soft and very smooth. Color: 75 colors to choose from. White, Black, Ivory, Coffee, Green, Red, Blue, and so on.

elastis-spandex-lycraSashes-spandex-lycraSashes-spandex-lycra-blackSashes-spandex-lycra-ivorychair-cover-sashesCream spandex sashesBlack spandex sashes

Chair covers for sale


Sarungkursi dengan desain kostum klub sepak bola Persipura, yang identik dengan kombinasi warna merah dan hitam merupakan kostum kebesaran Persipura. Penutup kursi ini sangat anggun dan mewah menggunakan bahan kaos atau lotto dengan model ketat dan bisa diaplikasikan ke kursi futura, chitose maupun kursi plastik napolly.

Desain Chair covers atau model pembungkus kursi tergantung pada kursi yang dipergunakan, bisa menggunakan model sarung kursi ketat atau rampel. Kami menawarkan dan Jual sarung kursi yang sesuai untuk pernikahan, perjamuan, pesta, pertemuan, upacara atau acara lainnya.  Segala macam ukuran, harga dan warna berbagai jenis penutup kursi tersedia.


Custom chair covers. Ideal for conferences and sporting events, they’re sure to remember the comfort that your brand provided.

Banquet Chair Covers

Banquet Chair Covers


Elegant Banquet Chair Covers.
Banquet Chair Cover Designs. These cheap chair covers are widely used in wedding events, restaurants, hotels, beaches to decorate crown banquet chair and stacking banquet chair.

Chair covers are perfect, you can transform any event or occasion from simple to spectacular.  Duta Anugrah sets the standard for the finest upscale, professional-grade banquet chair covers.

Add uniformity to mismatched chairs, completely update older, less attractive chairs. or use a chair covers so that an older chair can look luxurious.

Create a luxurious and classy atmosphere that will be remembered for that long. Create A Lasting First Impression.


Wedding chair cover

Wedding chair cover and Banquet chair cover is the key to success.

You can decorate chairs at your wedding reception with chair covers and sashes to hide imperfections and make them appealing, elegance to your reception or event.  Flowers could be used on the backs of your wedding chair covers, adding a splatter of color and that praise the center pieces could be slipped into chair bows or sashes.

A marriage is the entire about beauty and beauty can be gifted by using chair covers. Why Use Accessories with Wedding Chair Covers, because it would seem a luxury, style and can be dramatic.

Chair covers are essentials that one needs to apply as décor in order to improve the value of a wedding ceremony.

Duta Anugrah offers a variety of wedding chair covers, including folding chair covers, banquet chair covers for hotels, restaurants and other hospitality establishments.

Chair Covers

Duta Anugrah offers a variety of wedding chair covers, including folding chair covers, banquet chair covers for hotels, restaurants and other hospitality establishments.

The Elegant World of chair covers. They can add a beautiful new look to any room or office.  Chairs that have faded over time are in need of a chair cover. Select by model or style.  Now you are ready to choose your Chair covers.

Satin Chair Sash

Adding satin chair sashes to your chairs will create an elegant look for your event. High quality shimmering satin.  Sashes are stain resistant and washable. Shimmering, The front of the satin is a Little brighter than back, to make it look more Pretty.

Satin ribbon is miraculous to see how chair covers and sashes can transform a plain room into a graceful wedding reception foyer. The solid color of the satin material makes the sashes perfect to use with white, red, black, ivory or colored chair covers and table linen.

Ribbons & Sashes, These are made of high quality shimmering satin.
Our Satin Chair Sashes Come in 86 Colors White, Ivory, Black, Chocolate Brown and more.
Measure: 25 cm (wide) x 250 cm (long)