Duta Anugrah

Chair Cover Suppliers and Chair Cover Manufacturers in Indonesia.

Category: Sample Colors

Saten Fabric

Satin atau orang bilang Saten adalah jenis kain yang ditenun dengan menggunakan teknik serat filamen sehingga memiliki ciri khas permukaan yang mengkilap dan licin. Untuk Bagian dalam atau belakang permukaan satin sebaliknya tidak licin dan tidak mengkilap atau berwarna dop. … Continue reading

Damask Fabric

The Elegant World of Linen. Damask is a reversible figured fabric of silk, wool, linen, cotton, or synthetic fibers, with a pattern formed by weaving. Damask weaves are commonly produced in monochromatic (single-colour) weaves in silk, linen or linen-type synthetic … Continue reading

Lotto fabric

Lotto fabric: the material is made from 100% polyester, thick with color dop, lottery material often used for T-Shirt Team Sports. Colour  Sample Fabric Lycra Colours

Lycra fabric

Lycra is the perfect fit for chair covers. This material processes a unique elasticity. It can extend 66% in size by external force and resumes original size without any deformity. Lycra is the most popular brand of the material spandex … Continue reading